Essential Graphics Template System for Today Digital

Developement/implementation of Today Digital MOGRT Template Library
Essential Graphics Template System for Today Digital

Adobe Motion graphic template (MOGRT)

Essential Graphics Basics

Using MOGRT in Premiere Pro.

Fonts and Colors

Today Digital branding elements.

MOGRT in After Effects

Explaining MOGRT in After Effects.

Today Digital Essential Graphics 2019 Library

Creating and implementing Today Library animated elements using Java scripting and MOGRT system.

After implementing the library, the editor doesn't need to work with different video sizes (16:9, 1:1, 9:16). He can easily change size of the output video using checkboxes, but keep the information the same. The information can be easily entered in the required fields and the animation would be adjusted to the new input. The editor can select color options using checkboxes, select franchises or enter the endcard credits. All animation will be keeping the same and can be rendered easily after. The system makes editor's work much faster and easier and works perfectly among the teams. All elements is stored in the cloud library and consistent among all team members.

Thank you!